Sunday, 17 October 2010

I walk through the valley of the shadow of life,
my thoughts and my sins are my own,
Had I come by another time she might have thought
I wasn't interested in her or the socks she had on.

We lay on her bed almost an hour later,
Naked but fully clothed,
I felt like a baby swathed in cloths,
reborn by the nature of our love.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Inspired by Lip Service...

Trying to forget is hardest of all
things to do as we move in worlds
consistently reminding us of our
wrongdoings and the mistrust
we all feel in each other because
at the core we are all drawn to
the carnal sins we will commit
by the promise of sex and a sense
of exhilarating freedom from

Monday, 11 October 2010

This has played on my mind for a couple of days. It moves me now to read it on the page and place it here amongst all my emotions. It comes in light of the knowledge that to open up to someone is a great risk, but to not take that risk would deny the experience of feeling.

I wear her image on my mind,
she asked me to remove it,
said she did not want to be
my shield
so, I've placed her in my heart
for later.